So we are going to try four years at once, open for one week.

So, 1941, 1942, 1943 and later today 1944 will be open for one week.

(Next Saturday will be 1945, 1946, 1947 and 1948 all at once for one week.)

I will delete this message in a few days. If someone really needs to post in 1927-1940 PM me.

Look for amended rules later. Let's try and keep it to TWO EXAMPLES of each variety. If you are working on illustrating something, intend on spending a good amount of time - create a post saying that variety is coming later. EDIT that same post and add your photos. I may do that myself as each illustration is taking about 2-3 hours to generate. The rules have to be somewhat flexible, so PM questions or concerns if they arise.