I recently posted in another thread about my lymes disease. Well the picc line I had in caused 3 blood clots that didnt thin out. I was complaining of a servere pain in armpit but nurses werent taking me seriously because no bruise showing. Well finally after 4 days of complaining of pain they decided to do ultrasound and behold blood clots. Then they decided it was best to take the picc out and gave me a blood thinner shot. Well the next day I ended up in hospital due to a cluster of blood clots finding its way into my lungs causing a pulmonary embolism. Im just lucky and thankful to be alive. They treated me with iv blood thinner at hospital then they switched to oral blood thinners 20 mg a day for one week then will go to 10 mg a day for probably a few months. Since I got switched to oral I urged doctor to send me home for it was under control and oral thinners should prevent it from getting worse. Im under strict restrictions and cant be left alone but enjoying being with my family than laying in hospital bed.