I found 3 2012 P coins with this exact feature. It is raised and I don't think it is PSD due to a side hit to the rim as there are no significant traces of a hit there, neither observable distortion of the rim. I don't think it is a ring ridge either as it is located in a very defined small area and it does not have the curvature normally observed on them. It could be a cud; but I'm not sure as the rim is untouched by it. A plating bubble does not appear to be the case as it is repeated almost identically in all 3 coins plus I applied pressure with a toothpick and there was no effect on the anomaly. The features are almost identical in all 3 coins so I think it was in the die when the coins were struck. My best choice is a die chip/IDB; but being so regular makes me doubt it.

Can you help identifying it?


Here are pictures for one of the coins.

Tue Nov 06 11-00-46.jpgTue Nov 06 11-01-32.jpgTue Nov 06 11-03-18.jpgTue Nov 06 10-58-43.jpg

And here are pictures of the same feature on the other 2 coins.
Tue Nov 06 11-28-23.jpgTue Nov 06 11-28-57.jpg