View Full Version : 2010 December Wheat Cent finds

01-02-2011, 11:50 AM
In December we found a total of 607 wheats - which is about average for a month.

It still amazes us on how many are still out there. WE are up to about 28,000 wheats in 2 and 1/2 years of searching.


01-03-2011, 08:43 PM
Looks like you have some MS Red coins in there. Good work.


01-03-2011, 09:16 PM
Roger, approx. how many boxes do you search a week or month? Wheats are usually very few in my boxes, about 5 per box.

01-04-2011, 10:58 AM
I'm guessing he buys out the entire bank of all its pennies. LOL


01-04-2011, 11:31 AM
we look at an average of 5 boxes a week. Our average wheat cents per box is 15. The lowest was 3 and the hihest was 685! We are in a crossraods of commerce so there are alot of people from all over that cash in there change. Offcourse, we are just amazed as you are, on the number found. I have sent boxes to other members and they have found alot too.
Ou best find was two years ago, we got one box and it was a hoard of wheats (685), we then went back to the bank and they gave us another and went to the bank (same company) two miles away and got two boxes and one box from a bank 1 mile away. It was a hoard the least amount was 33 then 100+, then 400+ the 685 and the last with 68. This has happened three times. We have found other hoards - the best we ever got was from a bank near us that gave us 8 rolls hand wrapped cents. 7 of the rolls had 301 steel pennies - who ever wrapped them must of thunk they were no ggood - beacuase the added a few regular cents on each end ! We went back to that bank and the teller who got the rolls said there were only seven. I posted that a while back. We have also got whole rolls of wheats here and there - all hand wrapped. We have developed good relationships with about 5 banks - that keep us supplied. WE give the tellers/managers "PBA Cards" each year as a present!
I dont think we would ever get rid of our wheats because they took so long to find. We have found at least one of every P cent. On "D" cents we havenot found a 14-d, 22-d or 24-d. On "S" pennies we have found one from every year from 1916 to 1955 except for the 31-s.
ISn't a great hobby! My daughter who is 24 and I share the same hobby and those moments of great finds or no finds are sacred.
Also the people we have become friends with, Uncle Bob Piazza and Aunt JeanK are irreplaceable!

01-04-2011, 12:04 PM
Bob Piazza and JeanK are your uncle and aunt?


01-04-2011, 12:26 PM
They are our my daughters nuministic uncle and aunt! Not real ones. ha.