View Full Version : 2012p DDO and a Trail die?

07-28-2013, 08:33 AM
What do you think about this 2012p? Liberty looks to be extra thick with some distortion, also possibly a split in the top left E of liberty and maybe a light spread. What I think might be a spread, I see on the R of liberty.

07-28-2013, 09:41 AM
I see the trails on the TY, but don't see much of any doubling. These shield cent dies can be a little deceptive. Did you check the trail die site for a match there?

07-28-2013, 10:32 AM
extra thickness is what I was seeing. Not really doubling. No still need to look it up.
See if its a listed trail die. Thx for the help

07-28-2013, 11:21 AM
Definitely trailing but minor. I think these are minor doubled dies as well. I come across quite a few with this thickness and slight offset on the TY. Personally, I toss them back. Though because of the trails on this one, it might be worth keeping.

07-28-2013, 06:45 PM
Although minor, I am intrigued by what appears to be notching and minor separation, especially on the bottom right leg of the R in LIBERTY. There also appears to be notching on the bottom of the T and Y. Can you snap a closeup of the date?

07-28-2013, 07:56 PM
Thx for pointing out the notching on the rty of liberty. I see it now I totally missed that . Here are a couple close ups of the date for you. Thx Bob

07-28-2013, 08:07 PM
Do you have a picture of the reverse? I have a coin with similar doubling and trails. Mine has a die chip on the rim of the shield above the "L" and "S" in "E PLURBUS UNUM".

07-29-2013, 06:13 AM
Looking at the word LIBERTY and the date, my tendency is to call this a doubled die, though a bit minor. It appears that the die shifted against the hub before hubbing had been completed, affecting only the ERTY and the first digit of the date. However, an in hand examination would be necessary to confirm this; the images are a bit blurred to make an adequate call.

BJ Neff

07-29-2013, 06:59 AM
I don't necessarily see this as a "minor" doubled die. It is a doubled die, and a pretty nice one.

07-29-2013, 07:05 AM
It is a doubled die, and a pretty nice one.

I agree. I would like to see this one some time Bella.

07-29-2013, 08:16 AM
After reading subsequent posts by our resident experts, I'll have to sadly admit that I still don't see it, at least from the photos. It looks like most of the 2012's I pull. And I'm sure, at least I hope, that I'm not throwing significant doubled dies back into the re-roll pile. Of course, I'm always learning so I won't feel bad about missing this when it gets listed. I'll just have an opportunity to learn some more.
Good luck, and I hope you get credit for the discovery of a new and significant doubled die.

07-29-2013, 04:48 PM
The world of varieties can be less defined than the world of errors in numismatics. Mostly, varieties are subjected to more of what is or is not than the more "that is what it is" error types.

Basically, a variety can be called listable / non-listable on the whims of the attributer. However, this is not seen in the error part of this community, for an error type is more well defined and visible when compared to a variety. But even then, the error community has far more "mis-labeled" errors than the variety community. This has been well documented by various articles on mis-labeling of errors by TPG's. So what to do?

All it comes down to folks is education of the numismatic community on what is what in the E/V world. The more you learn the more that you know concerning this ever growing area of numismatics. We are here to educate and enjoy doing so.

BJ Neff
"The Error and Variety Education Consortium"