View Full Version : Unfortunate steel cent

05-21-2009, 12:02 AM
Another poor cent which lost its identity when reprocessing was in vogue.

According to "The Authoritative Reference On Lincoln Cents" by John Wexler and Kevin Flynn, this coin is the attribution described and shown in this book,
LCDDR-1943-01 Class VI Distended Hub Doubling.
The obverse of the coin shows none of the markers present in the description, but the reverse has all those listed for identification.
Please let me know if you agree.
Thank You,

05-21-2009, 06:42 AM
I wish I had that book! Saw one last week for $50, hesitated, and it sold within 12 hours before I acted. Ugh. Okay, enough complaining.

If the markers match maybe the hammer die was switched out and your coin was created before or after what was listed? Sure looks like a class VI doubling in EPU and the top of the wheat stalks. Too bad about the plating:(. CC has DDR-001 cross referenced with 1DR-003 and those pics seem very similar to yours except the one listed on CC is LDS ...

05-21-2009, 12:24 PM
Whoa Jason! You see that book even at 100$ you better get it. That is about what it cost me when I found one with a book dealer in Canada. My copy is not pristine, but it is intact and extremely helpful.
Yes, I fought with myself over the decision to post this one. The plating seems to have obscured much of the obverse. I guess the reverse markers are strong enough to show through the plating. However, if you look closely at the obverse you can see what appears to be a long die scratch across the figure about at the T in LIBERTY and across the figure at 'tie level' through the top of the 4 and 3 and probably ending at the rim. With the plating I may never know exactly what that anomaly is.
So goes the saga.
Thanks for checking on this one. :)

05-21-2009, 07:51 PM
Whoa Jason! You see that book even at 100$ you better get it. That is about what it cost me when I found one with a book dealer in Canada. My copy is not pristine, but it is intact and extremely helpful.
Yes, I fought with myself over the decision to post this one. The plating seems to have obscured much of the obverse. I guess the reverse markers are strong enough to show through the plating. However, if you look closely at the obverse you can see what appears to be a long die scratch across the figure about at the T in LIBERTY and across the figure at 'tie level' through the top of the 4 and 3 and probably ending at the rim. With the plating I may never know exactly what that anomaly is.
So goes the saga.
Thanks for checking on this one. :)

Glad to be at least a little helpful :D
After reading your response, I figured I'd better give it another try with the searching for that book. It took two hours but I hit pay dirt.
I finally tracked down a copy that Mr. Flynn had that was creased - I didn't hesitate this time Jean. So pretty soon I'll have a copy. And BTW they (Kevin and John) are nearly done with the 2nd edition which should be out this summer!
I also mentioned all of this here in a new thread:

05-21-2009, 10:23 PM
Great job Jason! You will find the book extremely helpful.
Hmmm... I need to check and see if they are taking pre-orders for the new book.