View Full Version : 1999 Lincoln

03-02-2021, 07:06 PM
Hi guys: Just a question. Can a letter, E for example, be doubled (MD) on just the middle extension. I found this tonight and am having a hard time explaining it. The letter "E" in United is doubled on just the center portion. Thanks

03-02-2021, 07:46 PM
It can, but in this case, this is common plating disturbance doubling (http://www.error-ref.com/other-forms-of-doubling/). The series is plagued with this doubling since they started copper plating pennies in 1982. You can see it also on the left side of the memorial building. Also notice the waviness in the fields. This is all caused by the copper plating.

03-02-2021, 08:13 PM
Thanks so much, I was really scratching my head on this one. Thanks