View Full Version : Millard Fillmore Presidential $1 Coins Available February 18

News Line
02-16-2010, 09:11 AM
Millard Fillmore Presidential $1 Coins Available February 18
02-15-2010 10:00 PM
http://www.usmint.gov/images/pressroom/default.jpg WASHINGTON - On February 18, 2010, the United States Mint will release to the Federal Reserve Banks the first new Presidential $1 Coin of 2010, honoring former President Millard Fillmore. Beginning at noon Eastern Time (ET) the same day, the agency also will accept orders for rolls of Millard Fillmore Presidential $1 Coins at its online catalog, http://www.usmint.gov/catalog. Each roll, priced at $35.95, contains 25 circulating quality $1 coins from either the United States Mint at Philadelphia or Denver. The coins are wrapped in specially designed packaging that displays the mint of origin (P or D), the face value of the contents ($25) and the genuine United States Mint logo.

More... ( http://www.usmint.gov/pressroom/index.cfm?action=press_release&ID=1102 )

02-16-2010, 02:02 PM
I am taking a vacation day thursday and along with a few members from the RNA am going to the dedication ceremony. Fillmore was born and grew up in a log cabin just down the road a piece from the LaPlantes so I figure why not. I have never been to one of these things and heck I may get to meet the Assistant Treasury Secretary. I will probably see if thay have some rolls too. I know they are giving out one dollar each to kids under 18 and selling them at face to us more mature folks.

02-20-2010, 08:46 AM
i went to the ceremony and it was nice. I thought maybe 100-200 people would attend. i was so wrong !!!! Someone mentioned that maybe 800-1000 came and there wasnt enough room in the cafeteria to hold everyone. i thought they should of moved into the gym plus that alot of people left because of the over crowding.

Many,many kids came and it looked like most didnt like the history lesson of Millard Fillmore. WHo would ????? All they wanted was the Gold coin. :D

here is some pics of the ceremony along with Danica Patricks portrait in the background.... LOL !!!!!!!!!!
