Here is a list of some coin shows that are coming up.
Please contact to add a coin show to this list.
If you don’t see a coin show near you, check this website
for a list of state by state coin shows Coin Shows
CSNA Convention and Coin Show: November 22-23
Long Beach Airport Holiday Inn, 2640 North Lakewood Blvd.
Long Beach, California
Website: California State Numismatic Association
Clifton Coin and Stamp Show: November 22-23
Community Center, 1232 Maine Ave.
Clifton, New Jersey
Website: NONE
3rd Annual Black Friday Coin Show: November 28-29
Glenpool Conference Center, 12205 S.Yukon Ave.
Glenpool, Oklahoma
Website: Black Friday Coin Show
58th Houston Money Show: December 4-6
George Brown Convention Center, 1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Hall E
Website: Houston Coin Show
Coin, Stamp, and Sports Card Show: December 6-7
Dort Mall, 3600 S. Dort Hwy.
Flint, Michigan
Website: NONE